Heilt die Erde! Wer sich selbst heilt, heilt damit auch die Erde

"Zusammen und vereint wie die Farben des Regen- bogens werden viele Menschen weltweit Liebe und Respekt für die Mutter Erde lehren.
Im Symbol des Regenbogens werden alle Rassen und Religionen zusammenfließen und das Wissen um das Geheimnis des harmonischen Zusammenlebens mit allen Kreaturen der Welt verbreiten. Diese Menschen werden Regenbogenkrieger genannt werden. Obwohl sie Krieger sind, werden sie den Geist ihrer Ahnen, das Licht der Erkenntnis und die Liebe des Herzens in sich tragen. Sie werden niemandem Leid zufügen. Nach einem großen Kampf der Liebe und Transmutation werden diese Regenbogenkämpfer der Zerstörung der Erde und der Degeneration der Menschheit ein Ende bereiten.

Dies wird der Beginn eines goldenen Zeitalters des Friedens, der Liebe und der Freude für alle auf Erden sein."

Bei einem Stammestreffen im Amazonas kamen folgende Worte zu den SeelenOhren der Beteiligten, wiedergegeben im Buch von Norbert MuiggSprache des Herzens... Begegnungen mit den Weisen der Maya:

"Die Zeremonien, die wir gemeinsam durchgeführt haben, und die Gebete, die ihr an eure Ahnen gerichtet habt, werden sie daran erinnern, daß jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt für ihre Rückkehr gekommen ist. Sie werden uns den richtigen Weg weisen und in unseren Kindern wiederkommen, in den Kindern der ganzen Welt, um uns zu den rechten Entscheidungen zu verhelfen und uns zu Zusammenarbeit und Frieden zu führen. Wir Indianer sind traurig, denn unsere Wälder, unsere Felder und unsere Seen sterben. Die Luft, die wir atmen, ist unrein geworden. Wir denken nur mehr an uns selbst und nicht mehr an unsere Kinder, an die zukünftigen Generationen.Wo bleiben unsere Brüder Löwe und Tiger? Sie existieren fast nicht mehr. Meinen Bruder Wolf gibt es auch nicht mehr. Die Venen unserer Mutter, die Flüsse, sind schmutzig geworden, die Bäume, unsere Lungen, sterben ab, die Knochen, unsere Berge, sind krank. Bäume, Flüsse und Tiere, das sind wir selbst. Jeder einzelne von uns wünscht sich Gesundheit und Freiheit. Das wünschen sich aber nicht nur die Menschen, auch Tiere und Pflanzen wollen im Einklang miteinander leben. Deshalb sind wir hier zusammengekommen, liebe Brüder und Schwestern der Indianervölker. Wir denken und fühlen noch mit unserer Mutter Erde, und wir haben alle denselben Wunsch: Möge die Menschheit mit der Zerstörung der Tiere, der Pflanzen und unserer Umwelt aufhören!

Es ist für uns nicht leicht auszudrücken, was wir wirklich miteinander und gemeinsam wollen. Wir haben mit den Seres Puentes und mit den Priestern Dokumente verfaßt, um erneut auf unsere Lage
aufmerksam zu machen und die politischen Machthaber an Gerechtigkeit und Mensch-lichkeit zu erinnern. Wir sind sehr viele und alle sehr ver-schieden voneinander. Jeder einzelne hat zwar noch seine eigene Lebensform, seine Kultur, seine Form der Zere-monien und Gebete, doch einige von uns haben schon ihre Muttersprache verloren. Was wir aber noch wissen, ist, daß unsere Erde, Tiere und Pflanzen etwas Lebendiges sind. Sie alle sind ein Teil von uns. Wenn wir die Natur als tot empfinden, ist das ein Zeichen dafür, daß auch wir sterben werden. Wir haben noch viele Geschichten und Legenden von unseren Vor-vätern, und sie alle sprechen davon, daß alles Geist und Leben in sich hat. Wir sind eins mit der Mutter Erde, und dieses Wissen können wir all denen anbieten, die es in dieser Zeit der Wende wieder suchen.

Wir als Repräsentanten der Indianerstämme sind hier zusammengekommen und erheben unsere Stimme vor allen Völkern der Welt um zu sagen: Wir lernen viel von euch, und ihr könnt von uns lernen.
Wir hören noch die Stimmen unserer Vorfahren, wir spüren noch die Wesen der Erde und des Wassers, und wir sprechen wie unsere Ahnen mit dem heiligen Feuer. Das ist etwas, was wir alle gemeinsam haben. Dieses Wissen vom Leben ist nicht nur uns Indianern gegeben worden, alle Menschen müssen diese Stimmen wieder wahrnehmen und auf sie hören. Laßt uns wieder gemeinsame Wege beschreiten und für den Frieden in der Welt zusammenarbeiten. Das Jahr Null ist nahe.***************************

Im Zyklus zwölf BAKTUN, dreizehn AJAU endet unser vierter Solzyklus, und dann beginnt die neue Zeit. Dieser Zeitpunkt ist schon sehr nahe. Im Dezember des Jahres 2012 endet ein Zyklus, den nur wir Mayas kennen, weil wir die Hüter der Zeit sind. Deshalb haben wir euch alle hier zusammengerufen, um euch zu sagen, daß es an der Zeit ist aufzuwachen. Was ich hier sage, ist eine Botschaft für die ganze Welt. Wir müssen wieder menschlicher werden und unsere Mutter Erde ehren und respektieren.
Gehen wir doch gemeinsam, schließen wir uns doch zusammen, weiße, schwarze, rote, gelbe, arme und reiche, Indianer oder nicht.

Die Prophezeiungen sagen uns, daß wir alle uns erheben müssen. Wir brauchen die Hilfe und das Wissen aller Völker, Kulturen, Religionen und Nationen, bevor es für uns alle zu spät ist. Wir alle wissen, wie es ist, wenn ein Mensch aus unserer Mitte stirbt. Wir sehen die Relikte der Kulturen, die sich aufgelöst haben, und wir sehen unseren Planeten leiden, unter unserer Last zugrunde gehen. Viele Millionen Menschen leben in den Städten, und es berührt sie nicht mehr, was rund um sie passiert. Sie werden immer abhängiger von den technischen Errungenschaften und können dann selbst nicht mehr mithalten mit dem Leben, das sie sich geschaffen haben und das immer schneller voranschreitet. Vor dem Zeitenwechsel wurde uns bereits von unseren Ahnen eine Zeit des Übergangs und des Zeitraffers angekündigt. Die Abhängigkeit von der Technik, von der Materie haben unsere Ahnen schon vorhergesehen. Auch wußten sie, daß wir die Antworten auf Fragen unseres Lebens nur mehr im Außen suchen würden, daß die Menschen zu Sklaven ihrer eigenen Maschinen würden. Die Prophezeiungen der Mayas und vieler anderer Völker weisen uns darauf hin, dies seien Zeichen dafür, daß die Zeit der Trennung ihrem Höhepunkt zustrebt. Die große Veränderung wird alle Menschen berühren.

Das Erwachen wird auch an denen nicht vorübergehen, die in der Welt der Technik, in der Welt des Geldes, des Luxus, der Materie gefangen sind. Vor allem aber wollen wir Indianer die Menschen auf Veränderungen aufmerksam machen, die uns bevorstehen, ja in denen sich viele Menschen bereits befinden. Die Zeit des Übergangs erkennen wir an dem Druck, der auf uns allen lastet und dem wir alle kaum mehr standhalten können. Gebt diesem Druck nach, laßt euch bewegen und verändern, denn die Menschheit steht an einer Weggabelung, und wir sind aufgefordert, uns für den richtigen Weg zu entscheiden. Laßt uns also unsere Stimme erheben und all den Menschen, die noch schlafen, zurufen: Wir haben einen Gott und eine Mutter Erde, die uns ernährt. Aus diesem Urgrund müssen wir einen gemeinsamen Weg finden und für den Frieden der Welt zu-sammenwirken. Unsere Prophe-zeiungen besagen, daß zum Ende des vierten Sol und im Über-gang zum neuen Zeitzyklus das alte Wissen wiederkommen wird. Laßt uns das heilige Wissen der Ahnen ehren, laßt uns zu-sammenstehen und erkennen, daß wir an dieser Veränderung Anteil haben und daß auch keiner der hier Versammelten da bleiben kann, wo er jetzt steht. Geht zurück zu den Mitgliedern eurer Stämme und sagt ihnen, daß wir Menschen den Fingern einer Hand gleichen. Wir stammen aus denselben Wurzeln und ver-richten unsere tägliche Arbeit, um unseren Kindern ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen. Laßt uns einander die Hände reichen, laßt uns diese Botschaft annehmen und weitergeben an all jene, die auf sie warten."

Meister Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Pérez, Präsident des Spirituellen Mayarats Guatemalas

Seitenaufrufe: 10

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The Rainbow Children

from Bright Garlick, 24.02.09

It had been a long hot summer for the old Cree Indian. He had had an exceptionally good year. His children were all happy and he had many grandchildren to keep his life full of joy. There were many among the community who came to him for wisdom, just as there were many who came to him from lands afar. But in his own eyes, he was still just a child. He knew little about the world and even less about how men should live. It was the year that white man had landed on sister moon and it was the year that the Great Spirit began to talk to him.

When the voice of the Great Spirit first came to him, he was dreaming about his wife Josephine Medicine Bear, who had died last summer. She had been walking with him, holding his hand, telling him about the wonders of the great plains of heaven. As she spoke, he remembered that she had been given the gifts of the spirits and the gifts of the bible but he himself felt that he had been given no gifts. With that thought his precious Josephine turned to him and said My beautiful husband, have you not raised a healthy family ? Did you think this good fortune had nothing to do with you ? You have been given a great gift – soon you will see ! Then, as quickly as she had reprimanded him, she turned into a bear and ran away to the hills. He called out to her but it was too late – she was gone. He stood watching the place where she had been, an ache in his heart, her words echoing in his old body. Slowly he allowed his body to fall to the ground and as his head landed on mother earth, a great eagle came down from the sky. The eagle’s wings covered the landscape. And suddenly he felt the presence of the Great Spirit. He lifted his head slowly and the Great Spirit spoke to him saying Little Eagle Feather, the great hoop has been broken. The world of mankind has turned away from me. The white man has fed poison to mother earth and now all people are sick. You must listen and remember for your brothers and sisters and all those from lands far away who will come seeking your council. There is to be a new earth. I will make it so. The old Indian could see a great circle gathering on the horizon and from that circle he could see men and women of every different colour of the peoples of earth. Each one walking, carrying some gift in his hand for the Great Spirit. And the Great Spirit said to him These are my rainbow children. I have given them each a gift. When they come together the great hoop will be healed. But you must watch for them, for they will not always stand out. Some will be quiet, some will be small, others will make noise and be easily noticed. But all will carry my gift. Among them there will be 7 who I have chosen. To these I give many gifts. They will be known by the gifts they bear but they will not know who they are. You must remember them, for one day each of them will seek your council. Little Tail Feather looked carefully for the seven. And from the circle, he saw 5 women and 2 men come forth. They were not much different to the rest. But he looked at them and could see the Great Spirit burning brighter inside them, each with fire in their eyes. He would remember. Then the Great Spirit lifted it’s wings and began to fly away with his children. His voice echoed back to the old man Your gift is your vision. See with wisdom.

When the old Indian woke, he was shaken and confused. He had seen much suffering in the world of men, since he had become an old man and the north wind had brought much misfortune to his people. But he had faith in the words of the Great Spirit and knew them to be true. In the days that followed, he began to see signs that the Great Spirit had laid a path before him. A path that would help him to honour the gift that the Great Spirit had given him.

While he was not considered a great elder, there were many who began to seek his council, who had not previously considered him worthy. Towards the end of his life, he developed great wisdom and was asked often to talk about spiritual matters to people from all walks of life. Slowly, he began to see the rainbow children. Sometimes just a glance here or there, sometimes a hug from nowhere, perhaps a chance meeting and sometimes they came looking for him. And in his spirit Little Eagle Feather knew that his dream was unfolding and that it was true - the Great Spirit was already making a new earth and that the hoop of life would be healed.

"When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear; when that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them." Chief Seattle

"In our every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." From the Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy



EARTH DAY 2002: The "IT" Factor


The Earth does not belong to man.
Man belongs to the Earth.

Timeless words, spoken by Chief Seattle in 1854, were used to mark Earth Day 2002. While Native Americans show reverence for Mother Earth each day of their lives, Non-Natives earmark only one day of the year to show respect. Pretty poor payback since the Earth sustains our lives by being on call 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Native people, who are The Keepers of the Earth and The Keepers of the Animals, shake their heads. These Newcomers just don't get the message - or as a tribal grandfather used to say, "The wheel is spinning, but the hamster is gone!" ...


...All Native people believe our Earth is an organism and everyone and everything on it is part of the same animal. They believe if we harm any living creature or plant, the whole organism suffers. Each time we kill off any creature or plant species, it is akin to amputating our own fingers or limbs. When we have done enough damage, this organism called Earth will eventually die.

In Seattle's speech, his basic message spoke of this belief that all life on this planet is a web, every strand is connected, and Homo sapiens have the technical ability to alter and destroy - or protect - the sum total and its many parts. If we, as a species, fail to heed this message, our punishment will be terrible. ...


... Many chiefs, sachems, and medicine men, especially in those days, had visions which accurately foretold of the coming of the conquerors and their accompanying epidemic-proportion diseases. Native oral history records that these great prophets, living thousands of miles apart, would share the same vision.

One vision told of animals, too small to be seen by a man's eye, causing death. This is a frighteningly accurate prophecy of microscopic virus and bacteria, which are common knowledge today. Another told of the intangible element that begins life in seawater, which modern man still cannot recreate in a laboratory. They also foretold that a Native stand against the Newcomers could not be truly effective until 500 years after Columbus first set foot on indigenous shores. The prophecy came due in 1992. Then, and only then, did the Seventh Generation since the invasion rise up and make itself known.

We are that generation. And, since Natives plan any changes they make with an eye to preserving our environment to pass on to generations 500 years into the future, there is a new Seventh Generation every 500 years.

In accordance with this prophecy, all Native people were to share their cultures, wisdom, laws, art, dances and songs with other people. If they are successful in doing this, it was foretold that all people would become one -- at peace with each other and the Earth, and our ecology will be saved.

The movement traveled about the globe with lightning speed. Pow Wows, art shows, lectures, and other Native cultural events cropped up with continuing stability, year after year. So delighted were the Newcomers with the initial events that New York City's then-Mayor Dinkins declared Summer 1992 as Indian Summer and the first President Bush signed a Proclamation honoring indigenous people.

The following year, the United Nations declared 1993 as The Year of the Indigenous People. Interestingly enough, when Native people gathered outside the U. N. building to present a peace pipe, armed guards were posted to bar their entry.

Even so, the Seventh Generation's movement grew larger over time, spreading across continents, but for every step we took forward to foster unity and mend the ecological balance, there were those who brought us many steps back. Why, one might ask, would anyone lead us around again toward the destruction of our planet?

The answer may be found in ancient Native tales of Evil Ones who used great magic to bring about the eventual end of the world. According to legend, Non-Natives were created for the purpose of causing death, pollution, and final destruction. It was foretold final destruction would be come to pass when people thought of the Earth, its creatures, and other people as objects -- when everything and everyone except oneself is thought of as "IT." This is the beginning of THE IT FACTOR -- the beginning of the end.

We treat our food and plant life as "ITS." More than 60% of the food in today's world originally came from the Americas. While there was once 95 different kinds of potatoes, in a well-stocked supermarket we may only find six. This is due to food producer's driving the other types to extinction because they weren't profitable to grow.

We treat our pet as "ITS" abandoning many cats and dogs on the street each year because the responsibility of caring for them no longer fits into our busy lifestyles. We run horses and greyhounds ragged, then ship them off to meat plants or experimental labs because their lives aren't deemed worthy unless they are actively helping us turn a profit.

We are all familiar with the many animal species now extinct or on the infamous endangered species list. Dolphins are now endangered and two rival factions have sprung up to protect their future. Unfortunately, these groups are so busy warring over the best method to employ that little is actually done for the dolphins. ...


... When the prophecy of destruction was foretold, other prophecies sprang up, telling us how to restore the balance. The Cree foretold, "When the Earth is sick, the animals will began to disappear. When that happens, the Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them." It is this Cree prophecy which prompted this RAINBOW WARRIOR series honoring those individuals who have dedicated their lives to restoring the balance.

And now a word of caution, for there is a downside to the Seventh Generation prophecy which says if Native people fail to bring everyone together to live in harmony with each other, our Earth, and our ecology, then Native people will cease to exist, the Rainbow Warriors will disband, and our planet will die.

The Cherokee definition of a "warrior" is "a warrior protects and defends" and a warrior also sets an example for others. It has been truly said by today's Native orators that in this difficult time of transition, all of us are warriors, each has a path to walk, striving to bring the prophecy to a positive conclusion.

You are invited to become part of the Seventh Generation Prophecy and choose your path. As all people become one, more Non-Natives will move toward saving the ecology while some Natives become more destructive. Those who go in circles or keep stepping backward are, quite obviously, on the wrong path.

Does it really make any difference today whether the oration or letter in question actually originated with Chief Seattle in 1855 or with Dr. Smith in 1887? However this memorable statement reaches us today, it still contains the wisdom of an articulate Native spiritual leader - and his wisdom has stood the test of time.

Whatever befalls the Earth, befalls man.
Man did not weave the Web of life,
he is merely a strand in it.
What he does to the Web, he does to himself.

Louise "Wind Walks Woman" Barton is listed in the Internet Public Library's Native American Authors Project.


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