Have you ever heard of "Children of the Sun", the ambassadors of Light? Every New - and every Full Moon they organize Planetary Grid Transmissionswhich shall help people to accelerate their awakening but also to cope with every day life and the many problems we are confronted with as well as to heal body, soul, and mind.
This month there are two more important days: September 9th - 9-9-9 - and Equinox which is celebrated on the 22nd at SUNRISE.

For more information read this Newsletter and if you are interested click on the links for further information.


Sonia Myriel

MARK YOUR CALENDARS... Four Grid Transmissions in September!

Earth's dormant mega crystals are waking up! During four specific dates in September, we are consciously aligning with key trigger events through our continued focus from the planetary Crystalline Grid. During these events, we embody and thereby accelerate these activating crystalline fields AS this radiating harmonic in form. YES!

September 4
Full Moon Planetary Grid Transmissions

September 9
The 9-9-9 Activation with Planetary Grid Transmissions
...of the once dormant mega power Atlantean Earth Crystals

September 18
New Moon Planetary Grid Transmissions

September 22
Equinox - Solar Wave with the Planetary Grid Transmissions


Full Moon Friday, September 4

Grid transmissions from the unified field shower amplified infusions of light to assist in our transformation as this divinely intended and graciously aligned. We unite and link our collective light through the planetary Crystalline Grid as a purified, highly tuned geometric field of light and sound.

The Planetary Grid Transmissions are a 24 hour transmission period with unified meditation/ceremony during 3 world time zones:
Sydney, AUS: 8 pm, Paris, France: 8 pm, New York, USA 9 pm

For program details, link Here.


...of the dormant Atlantean Power Crystals and the New Earth Crystalline Harmonic

Wednesday, September 9
with unified Activation Ceremony - 9:09 am Arkansas, USA Central Standard Time

On the 9-9-9, the Children of the Sun joins in focus with the Tyberonn/Earth-Keeper team in the activation of the once dormant Atlantean "Emerald Crystal of Healing" located in the Arkansas Crystalline Vortex of the USA. This 9-9-9 transmission of energy is intended to trigger further activation of other mega influencing crystal formations in the Earth including the Om Crystal of Multidimensionality in Mt. Shasta; the Golden Crystal of Healing in Minas Gerais, Brazil; and the Sun Moon Crystal of Light in Lake Titicaca.

A unified ceremony with more than 300 light bearers in physical presence at the Arkansas vortex will take place at 09:09:09 on 9 September, 2009.

According to Tyberonn, founder of Earth-Keeper, the reverberation of the emerald crystal will flash an electro-crystalline wave that will instantly awaken the other dormant Master Atlantean power crystals. The planetary Crystalline Grid will be further strengthened into 75% functionality. He continues that the heralded Ascension is then, in effect, the coming of the new Crystalline Age. The 9-9-9 event will greatly recode the crystalline energy of both the planet and humanity.


Activation Ceremony of the Emerald Crystal of Healing
9:09 am Arkansas, USA time (world clock to calculate your home zone time)

Together with Planetary Grid Transmissions - 24 hour connection to further activate, receive and transmit this 9-9-9 crystalline frequency through the Grid and to all the Earth.

Read this great article... it provides greater understanding of the dormant Atlantean Master Crystals, importance of the triple date portals and activation status of the Crystalline Grid... Tyberonn's website and related article.
Equinox Solar Wave
Tuesday September 22
Wave time is Equinox Sunrise


The Planetary Grid Transmissions
A 24 hour conscious connect!

Children of the Sun joins the team of Aluna Joy and
the Star Elders!

We invite one and all to join a Glorious WAVE OF
LIGHT to and raise up your hands and hearts to
create a better world. This is a call to all Light
Workers and Way- Showers, Mystics and Sages,
Masters, Saints and Angels! This is your time to
shine, serve and awaken the world to LOVE!

"We encourage all like-minded, heart-centered souls to join together in an unstoppable Solar Wave of joyful celebration and heart centered community service. The ancient prophesies have come to pass, and we have turned a corner toward a bright new age. Paradise is in our hands!" Aluna Joy

Where is the Global Celebration ?
It takes place right where you are!


When is the Global Celebration?
Sunrise, September 22nd, 2009

What can we do together to manifest paradise?
Gather together for a sunrise ceremony, and then offer your sacred service to your local community . . . and help network this event.

For More Info:
The Solar Wave and Aluna Joy's Website
Sunrise Times in your Home Zone
Dates/Times of actual Equinox

High Frequency Healing/Activation - Personal Sessions

Full Moon Friday, September 4
New Moon Friday, September 18

The results are truly AMAZING and it brings many tears from just the complete and utter astonishment of the high level of instantaneous healing and transformation that is happening. It's PURE LOVE.

The Light Team and hundreds of support transmitters connect with you and your soul intentions from the planetary Crystalline Grid, a pure matrix which connects our consciousness as one supreme energy field of Love. This union in Love is the most powerful healing force in the universe! We focus as one Group Avatar with and through the energy of DIVINE LOVE. (Read sharings)

More Info and Registration, Full Moon, Friday, September 4

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc.
Sedona, Arizona USA

Website: www.childrenofthesun.tv

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From: http://www.solara.org.uk/9-9-9UrgentCalltotheTribeofGaia.htm

9-9-9 Urgent Call to the Tribe of Gaia!

Pleiadian-Sirian Transmission - August 2009

Through Solara An-Ra, Warrior of the Light

Greetings of love and respect to all Earth Beings of Light. The Pleiadian and Sirian Councils of Light speak now on the 9-9-9 portal in your Earth year of 2009 - a day of great activation of higher energies, and cause for great celebration on your blue-green planet of beauty!

We have watched the unfolding of the energy shifts through the portals of the 1-1-1 through the 8-8-8 of power - and we see into your future the 9-9-9 through the 12-12-12, which usher in the full potential of the dawning of the AGE OF LIGHT on Gaia. We employ these numerical synchronicities within your calendar to bring your attention to the activation of the dodecahedron grid – that which allows your ascension.

The activation of the 9 great Master crystals of Atlantis which have been spoken of is pivotal in the shifting of the energies on your planet. To understand this, consider first the source of all life within the body of your planet and on her surface – the iron core crystal which is the womb of the Earth Goddess, Gaia.

From this huge and powerful crystalline core radiates the energy which breathes life into all mineral, crystal, elemental and physical manifestations of your third dimensional reality. You are connected with Her, the crystalline core, through the iron particles in the rivers of blood within your bodies, and your heart beats with her heart beat through this resonance. Gaia sings her song to you through the core crystal, which is the source of all life on your planet, and within her body.

Secondly, dear ones, consider the great waves of Light energy which are beamed down onto your planet – the solar energy of your great Sun; the stellar radiation from many star systems which assist in your ascension and from the Great Central Sun itself! These higher dimensional energies work WITH the Earth Being in her transformation.

It is through your awareness and connection with BOTH that your transformation is most easily and joyfully achieved.

The 9 great crystals have lain dormant within the Earth being, awaiting the time on Earth when the energies were once again sufficiently high that they might be re-activated, to fulfil their original purpose as creators of multi-dimensional portals of Light. The Councils of Light and Ascended Masters work with the Warriors of Light on Gaia and with the core crystal in the reactivation of the great crystals of Atlantis, towards YOUR reactivation.

Multi-dimensionality is the state towards which you move right now. Your opening to the Star nations is an indication of this, is it not? Your desire to interact with us and the opening of your horizons to the truth of your reality is your assurance that you are awakening to your potential as multi-dimensional Light Beings.
Brothers and sisters we call you – children we call you – our terms of endearment show our heart-felt love and respect for you, dear peoples of Terra. Understand now, once and for all, that YOU ARE STAR BEINGS TOO! You are seeded with our DNA, and that of many other Star races. You are coded to wake up at this time of Gaia’s evolution into the Light, and this you do now, assisted by the Light beings both on Earth and in the higher dimensions.

On the 9-9-9 the Emerald crystal awakens! Like the emerald chakra within your chest, it is the balancer, the regulator of the process of awakening. Its awakening triggers the activation of the third and fourth crystals of the nine – and this unprecedented power surge ushers in the new Age of Light – the Crystalline Age, as it has been termed.

We ask you to celebrate this day by gathering together dear children! You are a tribe, and you are remembering this now. It is time to come together at the times of power – to celebrate the pivotal times of the Equinoxes and Solstices, and the 12 triple dates which reflect the stages of the activation of the 12 faceted dodecahedron grid.

Meditation together dear ones, raising your energies in unison, to create portals of Light across the globe! Connect through your combined third eye and heart chakras with the grids of Gaia – the new electromagnetic grid and the Dodecahedron Christ Consciousness Grid. Connect with the crystal beds of Gaia within her body and send love into the crystalline core which is her heart.

Do not let this day go by without acknowledgement and celebration Earth Children. The time is now in which you awaken to the Divine plan, and we celebrate this with you! In great love, we bid you, Namaste.
Also recommended:

The 9-9-9 Activation Video - Solara An-Ra reads the transmission she has received (transcript above)


Call to the Tribe of Gaia! Pleiadian-Sirian Transmission August 2009 SOLARA AN-RA
It's time for the tribe to unite! Come together on the 9-9-9 to celebrate the activation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Master Atlantean crystals! Solara is hosting an event with her guides in London, 8 - 10:30 pm, see details on her website. Everywhere in the world, a suggested meditation to do with your friends/family/ children/spiritual group is 'Connection with Gaia's Ascension Grids'.

Note from Jean: You may wish to begin playing this wonderful 12 minute meditation below at 9 pm (Universal time) on 09/09/09 so you may reach the climax at 9 minutes past 9 - to find out your local corresponding time, click HERE... Solara will also start the meditation at this time in London. If your corresponding local time is too inconvenient (in the middle of the night for instance), then of course you may choose any other moment of the day that suits you best. If you can invite others to join you, it would also maximize the potency of this experience.
Cleanse the Currency on 09-09-09
A Call to Action, I invite you to participate, as we set a powerful intention to energetically clean all the currency and money. Together we will shift, heal and transform the matrix of the monetary system. Please network this invitation everywhere. We live in a sea of vibrations, everything and everyone is frequency. We are becoming aware of our true power to influence the quantum field with our words, emotions and intentions. This truth is especially powerful when we join together as a conscious collective with one common goal and one focused intention for global change.Imagine that all currency/money carries a frequency and vibrational contamination of lack, scarcity, fear, and greed that is energetically attached to the money that we receive and use each day. Think of all the places this money has traveled and all the individuals who have touched this currency leaving an energetic trace of their emotional state and beliefs. Be very aware that you bring this contaminated energy into your wallets and your life. You have the opportunity to use your power of intention to energetically clean and clear all the money that comes into your life with every monetary transaction. Together on 09-09-09 I invite you to go to your bank or financial institution, or in the sacred space of your mind/heart and with earnest intention offer this service to the quantum field. Envision yourself connected to Divine Source, the money matrix and all others doing this sacred service. When at the bank or in your imagination invite Angels, Archangels, Masters and Celestial Beings to assist in this process of clearing the currency/money of all energetic discordance, so that the currency/money now goes out blessing everyone and everything it touches. Imagine the shift in the monetary system when you join with other conscious, enlightened beings offering this transforming service to humanity in a 24-hour period. This service of cleaning/clearing the currency can be done anytime and any place as often as possible. As you hold money in your hand and envision its connection to the entire matrix, energetically clean it and bless it with gratitude. Do this service each day. This transforming process include all aspects of your personal financial matrix, the money you earn, spend, save, and the money you owe. Be creative with your magnificence and power as to how you cleanse the currency and your financial matrix. Together we will create a world of shared abundance.
Watch this invitation in this video: Cleanse The Currency on 09-09-09


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